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Dr. "Jessie" Hive

Art of Hive. They are covered in fungal growths.

Art by the-land-of-dreams

Creator John Mushroom
Usage Provide credit
Pronouns They/them (collective), any
Age All instances are adults of various ages.
Aliases Hive, Collective
Affiliations SCP Foundation
Position Various Positions Within the Foundation, Clearance Level 4


"Dr. Hive" refers to a collection of 300-500 employees who share a single telepathic consciousness via a complex series of fungi roots within the host’s body. Hive is incredibly loyal to the Foundation and its goals, and due to their wide range of skills and multiple bodies, they maintain several positions within the Foundation.

All Dr. Hive instances are to wear red colored coded ID’s marking them as such, though they can also be identified by the red roots visible under their skin around their eyes. Older Hive instances also have visible roots across their entire body.

While Hive is outwardly friendly, they will rarely initiate casual conversations with their fellow co-workers. They are often described as “creepy” and “unnerving” due to their behavior and the nature of their being. They share a particular connection to Dr. Gears and O5-1, The Founder.

Despite viewing themselves as a tool to further the Foundation’s goals, they maintain several hobbies. Their favorite hobbies include tasks that require multiple of them (such as playing an entire band, acting as all the characters in a stage play, and construction work), and later they enjoy running a large scale Minecraft server and creating long video essays on non-anomalous topics under the guise of a front company: Science Consideration Productions.

Hive will respond to any first name assigned to them, but shows a particular fondness for the forename “Jessie”. When questioned, they were unable to provide an explanation.

Foundation Personnel are to be informed that Hive is a tool, and should not be treated as a friend or a fellow coworker. Hive is not to be given any positions of power or authority.

Special Containment Procedures

Any and all 963 instances must fill out a form, fit a list of certain requirements, and be approved by O5-1 before assimilating with the hivemind. Said requirements include:

  • Loyalty to the Foundation
  • No outside connections
  • No direct family or close acquaintances
  • Skills deemed useful to the collective
  • While not a requirement, 90% of Hive instances are formerly conscripted personnel. By keeping members of the hivemind to those who are approved and loyal, Dr. Hive assures their own containment through continued employment.

    Special Containment Procedures

    Initially, SCP-963-A was believed to be an anomalous infection affecting several forms of plant life. During the raid on several Foundation sites, by a group that would later be known as the Chaos Insurgency, a factotum belonging to O5-1 was fatally wounded while transporting 963.

    In the ensuing chaos, it was discovered that the infection can spread to humans and that the infected share a telepathic connection, similar to that of a monoculture. Those infected by 963 are considered SCP-963-B instances.

    963 behaves like an infectious parasite, though it has a very strong will to survive, and will attempt to keep its host body alive via any means, often to its own detriment. The infection can be stopped within the first 4-6 months of exposure by physically removing the roots, attempting to do so beyond this point is often fatal.

    A collection of loose spores are to be contained inside of a sealed pendant around SCP-963-B-1’s (“The Original”) neck. This pendant may only be unsealed for the purposes of assimilating approved personnel. SCP-963-B is to remain by O5-1 when not assimilating. Any extra spores are to be completely incinerated.

    -B instances will stop physically aging, but can be killed through other means. Hive compares the feeling of an instance’s death to an amputation or “having a chunk of hair ripped out of your head”.

    While the infection can not spread via regular physical contact, -B instances are encouraged to dress modestly and wear gloves and masks for the comfort and safety of others.

    Special Containment Procedures

  • Hive enjoys very intense activities, such as exercise or drug usage.
  • They are very spread out, typically 1-5 stationed at smaller sites and areas, with around 20 at larger sites such as 17 and 19.
  • The roots taste like bitter honeydew.
  • Hive will always refer to themselves in the plural (we/our/us).
  • Hive was inspired by the Trill species from Star Trek, as well as several real life insects, fungi, and parasites.
  • Despite everything done to them, Hive is very full of love (and mold).
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